COCESNA recognizes that its human talent is its most important asset, whose workforce reflects growth, teamwork, responsibility, among other values, fulfilling the strategic objectives, values, mission, and vision that are the fundamental pillars on which the Corporation’s success is based.

At the Central American level, we are known for being a stable Corporation, highly attractive to work for and that, through good management and direction of the Human Resources Management, COCESNA’s objectives and the objectives of our employees are achieved and that both go hand in hand, ensuring the development of a committed workforce and creating strategies so that labor relations with other areas of the Corporation are strong and satisfactory, since the challenges are becoming increasingly more competitive in the labor market.


We are an integrated team with nearly
400 employees
with high standards of safety, efficiency and quality.
Promedio de retención Talento Humano - 15 años
Cultura y Clima Organización - 80%


No Available Vacancies

At the moment we do not have any vacancies available.

Stay tuned for further announcements.

Our Recruitment and Selection process is oriented to the hiring of personnel based on a competency-based management model, which allows us to attract the ideal candidates according to the requirements of the position.


Because our people are our corporation’s main asset, we seek to offer a meaningful employment proposition that attracts, retains and develops our people.


COCESNA certifies that all its selection processes are transparent without discrimination based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity and/or marital status.
Employees trained annually
Specialized service areas


COCESNA has an organizational structure integrated by a competitive Human Resource, with a work team specialized in the different technical and operational branches that are necessary for the proper functioning of the Corporation, such as: air traffic control services, aeronautical maintenance, aeronautical training, automation, operational safety assistance, air transportation and air accident investigation, among others. Likewise, within the administrative management there are professional personnel in the following areas: financial, legal, planning, budgeting, quality management, project and risk management, general services and other professions of equal importance to comply with the strategic objectives, achieving as a whole: “A team of competent, efficient, responsible and committed collaborators”.

Carmen Patricia Oliva

– Human Resources Manager –


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